Integrate with Slack

Steps to Integrate Slack with Shakespeare platform to enable and disable notifications from the Integration page in settings tab. 

  1. Access Settings: 
    > Log in to the Shakespeare platform.
    > Navigate to the "Settings" section. 
  2. Locate Integration Page: 
    > Within the Settings, find or look for an "Integration" or "Notification" tab.

  3. Select Slack Integration:
    > On the Integration page, locate and select the option for "Slack" or "Link with Slack."

  4. Account Connection: 
    > Connect your Slack Account successfully. 
  5. Configure Notification Settings: 
    > Specify the types of notifications that should be sent to Slack (e.g., new quotes, user interactions, etc.). 
    > Define the channels in Slack where these notifications should be posted.

  6. Enable or Disable Notifications:
    >Within the Shakespeare platform's Integration settings, provide an option to enable or disable Slack notifications.
    > This might be a toggle switch or a checkbox indicating whether Slack notifications are active